Industrial Future Summit - Stockholm 15 October 2024


Stora Enso Wood products provide wood-based innovations and solutions for everyday living and housing needs. Its product range covers all areas of urban construction, from supporting structures to interior design and environmental construction. Our products include massive wood elements and housing modules, wood components and pellets. A variety of sawn timber goods complete the selection.

Stora Enso Wood Products has established a Healthy and Affordable Living Lab which is a place to create and test different (digital) solutions that will change the current way of building and living by taking a more customer-driven approach. We look for new ideas to make future buildings and living healthier, safer and more affordable.

Theme Description

Having a healthy environment for living should not be expensive. There is some evidence that wooden buildings can bring health benefits to building occupants. We need to get more data and analytics to learn more about dependencies between wood as a material, indoor air quality and health.

Opportunity Overview

Everyone who lives, works or studies in a timber building would say, that it feels good. Some studies also show that people concentrate better in buildings made of wood. But it is not that easy to demostrate that wood as material, indoor air quality and person’s health would have some correlation. We would like to collect and analyse more data and find if those dependencies exist. And make that data available for everybody. 

We want to create new valuable services for people on journey towards healthy living, where we think that wood can play an important role.

Obtaining more relevant data from our living environment, especially from the materials, indoor air quality and health aspects, we might find many interesting dependencies. This will help people to make more informed decisions on how they want to live. Healthy living environment should be available for all.

Examples we're looking for

New digital services

Data without insights is worth of nothing and insights without action is waste of time. That’s why we want co-create new services and business for different actors.

Our mission is to provide valuable digital services for building constructors, owners, maintenance, visitors and people who are living in wooden buildings.

We believe that there is plenty of space for new and valuable services. Do you have something new in your mind?  


We are receiving every day more and more data which could be analyzed for making new valuable insights. These data-driven insights play in key role in improving methods and practices.

Do you have new ideas and technology for making data-driven insights to help us build better wooden buildings? 

Part of the global bioeconomy, Stora Enso is a leading provider of renewable products in packaging, biomaterials, and wooden construction and one of the largest private forest owners in the world. We believe that everything that is made from fossil-based materials today can be made from a tree tomorrow.

Intelligent Mining by Epiroc

Epiroc wants to make their mining, infrastructure, and natural resources industry equipment self-aware and connected even in the harshest and most distant environments all around the world.

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Smart Construction with KONE

Elevators enabled the construction industry to build tall. Now we want to use innovation to create even smarter and develop new products and services that improve construction productivity, safety and working environment…

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